Tony Buzan biografie en boeken

Tony Buzan - Toolshero

Tony Buzan (1942-2019) was een Britse psycholoog en auteur van verschillende boeken over memoriseren. Tony Buzan is vooral bekend geworden over Mind Mapping, een bepaalde manier van structureren en onthouden. Tevens was hij grondlegger van de befaamde techniek Speed reading (Snellezen), een methode om je leessnelheid te vergroten.

Tony Buzan biografie


Tony Buzan was in 1964 afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Brits Columbia in de vakgebieden psychologie, Engels, wiskunde en wetenschappen.

Als uitvinder van Mind Mapping was hij s’ werelds vooraanstaande expert op het gebied van ‘Mental Literacy’. Over dit onderwerp heeft hij meer dan 100 bestsellers geschreven, vertaald in 150 talen en gelezen wereldwijd door miljoenen mensen.

Buzan was een internationale deskundige op het gebied van het denkproces, creativiteit en innovatie. Mind Mapping wordt door circa 250 miljoen mensen gebruikt.

Daarnaast was hij een autoriteit op het gebied van leerprincipes, productiviteit en efficiëntie. Hij heeft adviseert grote internationale organisaties zoals Microsoft, IBM, Walt Disney, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Barclays International, McLaren Technology, British Telecom, de Royal Mail, Goldman Sachs, Oracle, STABILO, BBC, BP, Liechtenstein Global Trust en meer.

Hij was ook een buitengewoon goede en erkende spreker op het gebied van het denkproces, creativiteit en innovatie. Vooral zijn volledige zelfbeheersing over zijn onderwerpen in combinatie met enthousiasme en inspirerend overbrengen zijn kenmerkend voor zijn seminars en presentaties.

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Tony Buzan stierf op 76-jarige leeftijd aan een hartaanval in het John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.

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Bekende quotes

  1. “Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.”
  2. “Through using our memory to its fullest we can unlock the vast reservoir of human potential that isn’t currently being used.”
  3. “Did you know that you use less than 1% of your brain? The good news is that mind mapping can help you to access the other 99%!”
  4. “The mind map will change your life.”
  5. “The world is historically mentally illiterate.”
  6. “Even traditionally well educated and literate individuals are significantly restricted by the fact that they are able to use only a fraction of the biological and conceptual thinking tools which are available (the mind map).”
  7. “Normal linear note taking and writing will put you into a semi-hypnotic trance, while mind mapping will greatly enhance your left and right brain cognitive skills.”
  8. “As knowledge of the alphabet and its permutations and combinations is to traditional literacy, and as a knowledge of numbers and their permutations and combinations is to mathematics, so a knowledge of the biological and conceptual alphabets of the brain and its apparently infinite permutations and combinations is to mental literacy.”
  9. “The human brain has left and right brain symmetry with its own nature and can process information which initially appears to have no pattern or order. However, the brain has the ability to process visual information much more efficiently.”
  10. “The old linear pattern of thinking by reading and describing from left to right, top to bottom has many problems in organizing information coming from eyes, ears, etc. For example, the ability to read and understand the context of a book is different from memorizing them simply as sentences.”
  11. “Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things. Take every opportunity to observe people who manifest the qualities of mastery.”
  12. “Memory and creativity are essential to education, but if you teach memory incorrectly, it is a total waste of time, and it will inhibit learning.”
  13. “Your brain is like a sleeping giant.”

Boeken en publicaties van Tony Buzan et al.

  • 2013. Mind map handbook: The ultimate thinking tool. HarperCollins UK.
  • 2013. Mind Maps for Business. Pearson UK.
  • 2012. The power of spiritual intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your spiritual genius. HarperCollins UK.
  • 2010. The mind map book: Unlock your creativity, boost your memory, change your life. Pearson BBC Active.
  • 2006. Mind mapping. Pearson Education.
  • 2006. The speed reading book. Pearson Education.
  • 2006. Master your memory. Pearson Education.
  • 2006, 2003. Use your head. Pearson Education.
  • 2005. Mind maps at work: how to be the best at your job and still have time to play.
  • 2005. The ultimate book of mind maps: unlock your creativity, boost your memory, change your life. HarperCollins UK.
  • 2003. Mind maps for kids. London: Thorsons.
  • 2003. Head First: 10 ways to tap into your natural genius. Thorsons Pub.
  • 2002. How to mind map: The ultimate thinking tool that will change your life. Harpercollins Publishers.
  • 2001. The power of creative intelligence. HarperCollins UK.
  • 1999. The brainsmart leader. Gower Publishing, Ltd.
  • 1995. Brain Sell. Gower Publishing, Ltd.
  • 1994. Buzan’s Book of Genius: And how to unleash your own. Vintage.
  • 1993. The Mind Map Book How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximise Your Brain’s Untapped Potential. New York: Plume.
  • 1993. The mind map book. Rajpal & Sons.
  • 1991. Use your perfect memory: dramatic new techniques for improving your memory, based on the latest discoveries about the human brain. Penguin.
  • 1986. Use your memory. BBC publications.
  • 1985. Using both sides of your brain. New Dimensions Foundation.
  • 1984. Make the most of your mind. Simon and Schuster.
  • 1983. The Brain User’s Guide: A Handbook for Sorting Out Your Life. Dutton.
  • 1982. Use your head. Rajpal & Sons.
  • 1978. The evolving brain. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • 1977. Speed memory. David and Charles.
  • 1976. Use both sides of your brain. Dutton.

How to cite this article:
Van Vliet, V. (2012). Tony Buzan. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:

Oorspronkelijke publicatiedatum: 03/10/2012 | Laatste update: 16/05/2023

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Vincent van Vliet

Vincent van Vliet is oprichter van Toolshero en verantwoordelijk voor de content en release management. Samen met het team bepaalt hij de strategie en beheert de content planning, marktintroducties, klantervaring en beleidsontwikkeling onderdelen van het bedrijf.


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