Kent Beck biografie, quotes en boeken
Kent Beck (geboren in 1961) is een Amerikaanse software-engineer en de ontwikkelaar van Extreme Programming (XP). Kent Beck geldt als een pionier op het gebied van ontwerppatronen voor softwareontwikkeling.
Kent Beck biografie
Technologie werd Kent Beck met de paplepel ingegoten tijdens zijn opvoeding. Hij werd geboren in Silicon Valley als zoon van een elektrotechnicus en zijn grootvader was een radiofanaat. Het was dus niet vreemd dat hij in vergelijkbare technologische voetsporen zou treden.
Kent Beck was tussen 1979 en 1987 student aan de Universiteit van Oregon en behaalde daar een Bachelor- en Mastergraad in computer- en informatiewetenschappen. In 1996 begon hij te werken aan het Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System. Gedurende deze periode introduceerde hij ook Ron Jeffries in het bedrijf.
Extreme Programming (XP) werd ontwikkeld tijdens een periode waarin hij advies gaf aan Smalltalk-projecten in de jaren 80 en 90. Smalltalk is een objectgeoriënteerde programmeertaal. Smalltalk werd opgericht om te onderzoeken hoe programmeren het beste geleerd kan worden aan kinderen.
Het team schatte in dat het ongeveer een jaar nodig zou hebben voordat bepaalde productelementen voltooid zouden zijn. Een jaar later introduceerden zij een nieuwe manier van werken. Deze manier van werken staat nu bekend als Extreme Programming (XP).
De Extreme Programming (XP) methode voor softwareontwikkeling staat bekend als tegenhanger van traditionele methoden voor softwareontwikkeling, die als rigide en formeel worden beschouwd.
Kent Beck is daarnaast een van de oorspronkelijke ondertekenaars van het Agile Manifesto, een document waarin de toenmalige nieuwe methode uiteen werd gezet. Extreme Programming (XP) en Agile zijn sterk verbonden met Test Driven Development (TDD).
In 2011 trad Beck toe tot het bedrijf Facebook, tegenwoordig bekend als Meta. Met een decennia aan ervaring was hij ervan overtuigd dat hij de werking en toepassing van software uitstekend begrijpt.
Toch moest hij zich later realiseren dat Facebook anders was dan elk bedrijf waarvoor hij eerder had gewerkt en dat hij serieus aan de slag moest om zijn visie op softwareontwikkeling te transformeren.
Hij zei later over het bedrijf Facebook dat het een zeer agile bedrijf is, dat altijd klaar is voor verandering. Hij verdiepte zich vooral in de codes waarop Facebook gebouwd is en de cultuur.
Tegenwoordig woont Kent Beck in San Francisco, Californië. In 2019 trad Beck in dienst bij het bedrijf Gusto als softwarecoach. Hier coacht hij technische teams bij het bouwen van salarissystemen voor kleinere bedrijven.
Bekende quotes
- “Agitator and the Agitar Management Dashboard lower the barriers to accountability in software development and increase the value of developer testing.”
- “Beta testing is a symptom of weak testing practices and poor communication with customers.”
- “Brilliance in a scientist does not consist in being right more often but in being wrong about more interesting topics.”
- “Design should be easy in the sense that every step should be obviously and clearly identifiable. Simplify elements to make change simple so you can manage the technical risk.”
- “Developer testing is an important step towards accountability. It gives developers a way to demonstrate the quality of the software they produce.”
- “Do The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work.”
- “Extreme programming is an emotional experience.”
- “First you learn the value of abstraction, then you learn the cost of abstraction, then you’re ready to engineer.”
- “Given the choice between an extremely skilled loner and a competent-but-social programmer, XP teams consistently choose the more social candidate. The best interviewing technique is to have the candidate work with the team for a day. Pair programming provides an excellent test of technical and social skills.”
- “I found out that most programmers don’t like to test their software as intensely as I do.”
- “I lived near Santa Cruz for ten years, and the whole time, it bothered me what an exclusionary definition of ‘inclusion’ was in force. Social censure was applied to those who expressed unpopular or uncomfortable ideas.”
- “I think it’s a combination of technical and social factors that leads to all the defects in deployed software.”
- “I used Agitator on some code I had unit-tested, and it made me a better tester. As an Agitar Fellow, I look forward to the leverage of working with an outstanding organization as together we continue to improve the value of developer testing.”
- “If I’d had a charisma-ectomy in the beginning, XP would have gone nowhere.”
- “If you’re happy slamming some code together that more or less works and you’re happy never looking at the result again, TDD is not for you. TDD rests on a charmingly naïve geekoid assumption that if you write better code, you’ll be more successful. TDD helps you to pay attention to the right at the right time so you can make your designs cleaner, you can refine your designs as you learn.”
- “I’m not a great programmer; I’m just a good programmer with great habits.”
- “My great-grandfather played organ for silent movies. Talkies in, Gramps out.”
- “No matter the circumstance you can always improve. You can always start improving with yourself. You can always start improving today.”
- “One of the advantages of having to live with JUnit for 8 years is now we can look back and see which decisions we made worked nicely and which we would have done differently.”
- “Organizations want small changes in functionality on a more regular basis. An organization like Flickr deploys a new version of its software every half hour. This is a cycle that feeds on itself.”
- “People are looking for software development that actually does something useful… People are looking for partners who deliver when promised, and at a reasonable and transparent price. I believe that the days of being able to value price software are numbered.”
- “Rather than apply minutes of suspect reasoning, we can just ask the computer by making the change and running the tests.”
- “Received wisdom is that if you spend time up front getting the design right, you avoid costs later. But the longer you spend getting the design right, the more your upfront costs are, and the longer it takes for the software to start earning.”
- “Responsibility cannot be assigned; it can only be accepted. If someone tries to give you responsibility, only you can decide if you are responsible or if you aren’t.”
- “Sheet music, recording, radio, television, cassettes, CD burners, and file sharing have all invalidated, to some extent, the old model of making a living making music.”
- “The marketing of XP is very deliberate and conscious. Part of it is in co-opting the power of the media; I make sure I’m newsworthy from time to time. Part is in co-opting some of my publisher’s ad budget.”
- “The problem is, in software design, often the consequences of your decisions don’t become apparent for years.”
- “The world is changing, and I believe that, if I want to stay employed as a programmer, I’m going to have to change with it.”
- “The XP philosophy is to start where you are now and move towards the ideal. From where you are now, could you improve a little bit?”
- “There are musicians who want to make a living making music. There are listeners who want to listen to music. Complicating this relationship is a whole bunch of history: some of the music I want to listen to was made a while ago in a different economy. Some of the models of making a living making music are no longer valid but persist.”
- “There is a strong movement towards increased accountability for software developers and software development organizations.”
- “There’s a huge latent market for software development that’s just flat-out honest.”
- “We could talk, act, and dress funny. We were excused for socially inappropriate behavior: ‘Oh, he’s a programmer’. It was all because we knew this technology stuff that other people found completely mystifying.”
- “When Pandora doesn’t pay, and bars don’t pay, and weddings don’t pay, and nobody buys CDs or shirts or concert tickets or lessons, then the musician can’t make a living making music.”
- “Whether you draw diagrams that generate code or you type at a browser, you are coding.”
- “Without planning, we are individuals with haphazard connections and effectiveness. We are a team when we plan and work in harmony.”
- “Write tests until fear is transformed into boredom.”
Boeken en publicaties van Kent Beck et al.
- 2008. Implementation Patterns. Addison-Wesley.
- 2004. JUnit Pocket Guide. O’Reilly.
- 2004. Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 2nd Edition. With Cynthia Andres. Addison-Wesley.
- 2003. Contributing to Eclipse: Principles, Patterns, and Plugins. With Erich Gamma. Addison-Wesley.
- 2002. Test-Driven Development by Example. Addison-Wesley.
- 2000. Planning Extreme Programming. With Martin Fowler. Addison-Wesley.
- 2000. Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Addison-Wesley. Winner of the Jolt Productivity Award.
- 1997. Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns. Prentice Hall.
- 1996. Kent Beck’s Guide to Better Smalltalk : A Sorted Collection. Cambridge University Press.
- 1989. Simple Smalltalk Testing: With Patterns. SUnit framework, origin of xUnit frameworks.
- 1989. A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking. With Ward Cunningham. OOPSLA’89.
- 1987. Using Pattern Languages for Object-Oriented Programs. With Ward Cunningham. OOPSLA’87.
Citatie voor dit artikel:
Janse, B. (2022). Kent Beck. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:
Oorspronkelijke publicatiedatum: 20/09/2022 | Laatste update: 13/12/2023
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