John Henderson

John Henderson - ToolsHero

John Henderson is onderzoeker, consultant en professor op het gebied van management informatie systemen. Tevens is hij directeur van een onderzoekcentrum dat gevestigd is binnen de Universiteit van Boston in de Verenigde Staten (VS). John Henderson en zijn collega N. Venkatraman zijn vooral bekend als grondleggers van het Risk3 model voor Business / IT Alignement.

Biografie John Henderson

John Henderson behaalde zijn doctoraat (Ph.D.) aan de Universiteit van Texas in Austin Boston in de VS.

Hij is een bekend onderzoeker en consultant die verschillende publicaties op zijn naam heeft staan in tijdschriften zoals Management Science, Sloan Management Review, MIS Quarterly, IBM Systems Journal, European Management Journal en vele andere bekende tijdschriften.

John Henderson richt zich in zijn onderzoek en ontwikkeling op drie aandachtsgebieden, te weten: het management van strategische allianties en partnerships, het afstemmen (‘alignen’) van business en informatie technologie (IT) strategieën en het waarderen van IT investeringen.

John Henderson werkt momenteel als afdelingsredacteur voor het tijdschrift Management Science, naast zijn professorschap aan de Universiteit van Boston (VS).

Bekende publicaties en boeken van John Henderson et al.

  • 2010. Preparing for the future: understanding the seven capabilities cloud computing. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9(2).
  • 2006. Innovative IT climates: CIO perspectives. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 15(2), 125-151.
  • 2001. Knowledge resource exchange in strategic alliances. IBM Systems Journal, 40(4), 908-924.
  • 2001. Understanding “strategic learning”: Linking organizational learning, knowledge management, and sensemaking. Organization Science, 12(3), 331-345.
  • 2001. The knowledge engine: How to create fast cycles of knowledge-to-performance and performance-to-knowledge. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • 1999. Managing process knowledge for decision support. Decision Support Systems, 27(1), 145-162.
  • 1998. Real strategies for virtual organizing. Sloan management review, 40(1), 33-48.
  • 1997. Learning from action: an analysis of the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL). Human Resource Management, 36(4), 385-395.
  • 1996. Aligning business and IT strategies. Competing in the Information Age: Strategic Alignment in Practice, 21-42.
  • 1995. Learning, working, and innovation: a case study in the insurance industry. Journal of Management Information Systems, 43-64.
  • 1993. Strategic alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organizations. IBM systems journal, 32(1), 4-16.
  • 1993. Continuous strategic alignment: Exploiting information technology capabilities for competitive success. European Management Journal, 11(2), 139-149.
  • 1992. The emergence of artificial intelligence as a reference discipline for decision support systems research. Decision Sciences, 23(6), 1263-1276.
  • 1992. Strategic alignment: a model for organizational transformation through information technology (pp. 97-116). Oxford University Press, New York.
  • 1992. Managing I/S design teams: a control theories perspective. Management Science, 38(6), 757-777.
  • 1991. Aligning business and information technology domains: strategic planning in hospitals. Hospital & health services administration, 37(1), 71-87.
  • 1990. Plugging into strategic partnerships: the critical IS connection. Sloan management review, 31(3).
  • 1990. Dimensions of I/S planning and design aids: A functional model of CASE technology. Information Systems Research, 1(3), 227-254.
  • 1990. Technology-process fit: perspectives on achieving prototyping effectiveness. In System Sciences, 1990., Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on (Vol. 3, pp. 623-630). IEEE.
  • 1989. Strategic alignment: a framework for strategic information technology management.
  • 1989. Data Envelopment Analysis for Managerial Control and Diagnosis*. Decision Sciences, 20(1), 90-119.
  • 1987. Finding synergy between decision support systems and expert systems research. Decision Sciences, 18(3), 333-349.
  • 1987. Integrating management support systems into strategic information systems planning. Journal of Management Information Systems, 5-24.
  • 1986. Managing end-user computing for competitive advantage. Sloan Management Review, 27(2), 3-14.
  • 1985. Design and implementation of decision support systems in the public sector. MIS quarterly, 157-169.
  • 1983. Knowledge engineering concepts for decision support system design and implementation. Information & Management, 6(2), 109-114.
  • 1981. An evolutionary strategy for implementing a decision support system. Management Science, 27(11), 1309-1323.
  • 1980. Model Management Systems: An Approach to Decision Support in Complex Organizations (No. 80-08-04). Wharton school Philadelphia PA, Dept. of Decision Sciences.

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Van Vliet, V. (2010). John Henderson. Retrieved [insert date] from ToolsHero:

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