David Cooperrider biografie en boeken
David Cooperrider is een hoogleraar in Sociaal Ondernemerschap aan de Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University en bedenker van de Appreciative Inquiry theorie. Daarvoor doceerde David Cooperrider aan de Harvard Universiteit, de Universiteit van Chicago, Katholieke Universiteit in België, MIT en andere grote universiteiten.
Biografie David Cooperrider
Cooperrider is tevens oprichter en voorzitter van het Fowler Center for Sustainable Value. Dit is een initiatief dat zich bezig houdt met duurzaamheid en de zakelijke mogelijkheden van de 21e eeuw. Hier worden sociale en mondiale vraagstukken behandeld en is er een focus op toonaangevende eco-innovatie en sociaal ondernemerschap.
Naast zijn wetenschappelijke carrière heeft David Cooperrider verschillende organisaties zoals Boeing Corporation, Fairmount Mineralen, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, McKinsey, Parker, Sherwin Williams, Wal-Mart, Hewlett-Packard, IDEO, Yahoo! en meer geholpen in de rol van adviseur. Het merendeel van zijn adviezen ging over het toepassen van de Appreciative Inquiry (AI) methodiek. Daar is vooral veel theoretisch en empirisch onderzoek verricht met de focus op het creëren van een positieve revolutie ten tijde van verandering. Het centrale uitgangspunt hierbij is organisaties helpen te ontdekken waar de kracht van de organisatie ligt om zo innovatie en duurzaam te kunnen ontwikkelen.
Het werk van Cooperrider is uniek vanwege het bewezen vermogen om een positieve verandering door te voeren, innovatie mogelijk te maken en duurzaam ontwerpen in systemen van grote en complexe schaal te realiseren. Zijn dynamische en bewezen ideeën over Appreciative Inquiry (AI) zijn terug te vinden in verschillende publicaties zoals in Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Organizational Development (OD) Practitioner, Advances in Strategisch Management maar ook in The New York Times, Forbes, NPR, Wetenschap, Washington Post en nog veel meer.
Ook heeft Cooperrider diverse onderscheidingen gekregen. Zo heeft hij de titel ‘Best Paper of the Year’ behaald aan de Academie voor Management en was hij onderzoeker van het jaar (2005) aan de Case Western Reserve University. Andere noemenswaardige onderscheidingen zijn:
- In 2000 ontving hij een erkenning van Training Magazine als één van de top tien van visionairs in het veld.
- In 2004 ontving David de ‘Porter’ prijs voor de beste schriftelijke opdracht binnen het OD Network.
- In 2004 heeft hij de hoogste onderscheiding (ASTD’s) ontvangen voor een onderscheiden bijdrage aan het veld van organisatorisch leren.
David Cooperrider heeft inmiddels meer dan 15 boeken gepubliceerd en is auteur van meer dan 50 artikelen.
Bekende quotes
- “We live in worlds our questions create.”
- “We have reached “the end of problem solving” as a mode of inquiry capable of inspiring, mobilising and sustaining human system change, and the future of organisation development belongs to methods that affirm, compel and accelerate anticipatory learning involving larger and larger levels of collectivity. The new methods will be distinguished by the art and science of asking powerful, positive questions.”
- “We create our organizations based on our anticipations of the future. The image of the future guides the current behaviour of any system.”
- “It could be argued that all leadership is appreciative leadership. It’s the capacity to see the best in the world around us, in our colleagues, and in the groups we are trying to lead. It’s the capacity to see the most creative and improbable opportunities in the marketplace. It’s the capacity to see with an appreciative eye the true and the good, the better and the possible.”
- “We have reached the end of problem solving as a mode of inquiry capable of inspiring, mobilizing, and sustaining human system change. The future of Organization Development belongs to methods that affirm, compel, and accelerate anticipatory learning involving larger and larger levels of collectivity.”
Bekende publicaties en boeken van David Cooperrider et al.
- 2017. Appreciative Inquiry in Organizational Life. Research in organizational change and development. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. 81-142.
- 2011, 2005, 1999. Appreciative inquiry: A positive revolution in change. ReadHowYouWant.com.
- 2010. Introduction to Positive Design and Appreciative Construction. London: Advances in Appreciative Inquiry Vol 3 Emerald Publishing.
- 2010. From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Value. London: Book Series: Advances in Appreciative Inquiry vol 3 Emerald Publishers.
- 2010. Developing Tomorrow’s Business Leaders to Enact Corporate Citizenship: The Call and Opportunity for Business Schools. Sheffield: Special Issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
- 2010. Can Stakeholder Engagement be Generative?. Sheffield: Journal of Corporate Citizenship/Greenleaf.
- 2010. Design Inspired Corporate Citizenship. Sheffield: Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
- 2010. Managing as Designing in an Era of Massive Innovation. Sheffield: Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
- 2010. Design Inspired Corporate Citizenship (vol. 37, ). Sheffield: Special Issue of The Journal of Corporate Citzenship.>
- 2010. The Power of Appreciative Inquiry (pp. 3-6). Berrett Kohler.
- 2010. A Peter Drucker Moment: Harnessing the Innovation Producing Potential of a Shareholder and Stakeholder Theory of the Firm (vol. 36, pp. 3-6). Sheffield: Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
- 2010. Building a Green City on a Blue Lake: A Model for Building a Local Sustainable Economy (1 ed., vol. 33, ). HRPS People and Strategy.
- 2009. Is Corporate Citizenship Spreading and Shrinking? (35 ed., vol. Autumn 2009, pp. 3-6). Sheffield: Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
- 2009. A Journal That Makes a Difference (April 2009 ed., vol. 33, pp. 3-6). Sheffield: Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
- 2008. The appreciative organization. Taos Institute Publications.
- 2008. Appreciative inquiry handbook: For leaders of change. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- 2007. Designing information and organizations with a positive lens. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- 2006. Toward a theory of positive organizational change. Organization development: A Jossey-Bass reader, 223-238.
- 2003. Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- 2003. Strategic inquiry appreciative intent: inspiration to SOAR, a new framework for strategic planning. AI Practitioner. November, 10-17.
- 2001. A positive revolution in change: Appreciative inquiry. Public administration and public policy, 87, 611-630.
- 2000. Appreciative inquiry: Rethinking human organization toward a positive theory of change. Team Performance Management, 6(7-8), 140-140.
- 2000. Appreciative inquiry: The power of the unconditional positive question. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, 189-199.
- 2000. The appreciative inquiry summit: An emerging methodology for whole system positive change. OD PRACTITIONER, 32(1), 13-26.
- 1999. Collaborating for change: Appreciative inquiry. P. Holman, & T. Devane (Eds.). Berrett Koehler Communications.
- 1999. Organizational dimensions of global change: No limits to cooperation. Sage Publications.
- 1998. Organizational wisdom and executive courage. Lexington Books.
- 1996. The “child” as agent of inquiry. OD practitioner, 28(1), 5-11.
- 1995. Social construction and appreciative inquiry: A journey in organizational theory. Management and organization: Relational alternatives to individualism, 157-200.
- 1991. Global social change: A new agenda for social science?. Human Relations, 44(10), 1037-1055.
- 1990. Positive image, positive action: The affirmative basis of organizing. Srivastras, S. and Cooperrider, D. Appreciative Management and Leadership.
- 1990. Generative metaphor intervention: A new approach for working with systems divided by conflict and caught in defensive perception. The journal of applied behavioral science, 26(2), 219-239.
- 1987. Appreciative inquiry in organizational life. Research in organizational change and development, 1(1), 129-169.
- 1986. Appreciative inquiry: Toward a methodology for understanding and enhancing organizational innovation . Doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University.
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Van Vliet, V. (2011). David Cooperrider. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: https://www.toolshero.nl/bekende-auteurs/david-cooperrider/
Oorspronkelijke publicatiedatum: 13/10/2011 | Laatste update: 30/04/2023
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